Val Corbett has been involved in the management and delivery of courses in law since 2001. In 2007, Val was involved in the establishment of the Law School at Independent College Dublin. During his time as Head of the School (2007-2016) students of the College’s FE1 Preparatory programmes were awarded the Law Society of Ireland’s Overend Scholarship for highest overall marks in the FE1 examinations on 5 occasions (2008/2009/2010/2012/2015).

Students of the College were awarded 23 prizes for 1st place in individual subjects including 3 in Tort Law (Lectured by Val Corbett); 3 in Contract Law (Lectured by Val Corbett) and 2 in Company Law (Lectured by Anthony Thuillier).

Contract Law

Val Corbett

1st Place 2010

1st Place 2011

1st Pace 2013

Company Law

Anthony Thuillier

1st Place 2012

1st Pace 2013

Tort Law

Val Corbett

1st Place 2008

1st Place 2009

1st Pace 2012